Castles & Crusades: The Slithering Overlord

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Sale price$10.40
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An Adventure for Character Levels 4-6

A world of heroism and epic adventure lives inside each of us. We can all imagine a world where stalwart knights battle ancient dragons, powerful wizards duel one another with mighty magics, and the brave-of-heart rescue mystic artifacts from the clutches of evil villains. With the Castles & Crusades roleplaying game from Troll Lord Games, you can take the role of a hero seeking adventure in a fantastic world populated by mythic creatures and legendary beasts. Or, as the Castle Keeper, you can design the worlds and stories that make up the game, guiding friends and fellow gamers through epic adventures in your own wondrous settings.

The Slithering Overlord was first released as a d20 module in the Dungeon Crawl Classics line. Now this classic adventure is available in an officially licensed Castles & Crusades edition! Specially authorized by Troll Lord Games, The Slithering Overlord is a classic fantasy adventure perfect for a C&C campaign.

The heroes are employed by a religious group called The Order of The Invincible Sun to recover treasure and hostages from marauding creatures. As the characters advance through winding passages of the underdeep, fighting all manner of weird creatures, they learn that the situation is far more complicated than they were led to believe. Eventually the heroes come face to face with the Slithering Overlord himself at the heart of his overgrown realm several hundred feet underground!

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